List of abbreviations |
of micros- copic anatomy specialist terms explained in English + German |
Every attempt was made to provide correct information and labelling, however any liability for eventual errors or incompleteness is rejected! |
dieser Seite Editor:
Conditions of use |
nucleus and cytoplasm
a hyaline cartilage cell (rat) |
Ductus epididymidis (rat) |
cytoplasm of epithelial cells
epididymal duct (rat) |
ganglion cell (guinea pig) |
exocrine and endocrine
cells of monkey pancreas |
smooth muscle cell (monkey) |
cytoplasm of an exocrine
gland cell (parotid, rat) |
RER + Lysosomes in human
plasma cell cytoplasm |
cytoplasm of a reticular cell
of a human pharyngeal tonsil |
cytoplasm of a human
tonsil epithelial cell |
sparse cytoplasm in
a human lymphocyte |
central cytoplasm |
apical cytoplasm
(vesicular gland, rat) |
a monkey liver
rich in organelles |
peroxisomes, glycogen-
granules (liver, monkey) |
plasma cell (monkey) |
cytoplasm with secretion
vesicles, trachea (monkey) |
cretion canaliculi, stomach (rat) |
cytoplasm poor in organelles shows
microtubuli, supporting cell (rat) |
cytoplasm of a cell from
adenohypophysis (Ratte) |
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Some images were kindly provided by Prof. H. Wartenberg;
other images, page & copyright H. Jastrow.