List of abbreviations |
of micros- copic anatomy specialist terms explained in English + German |
Every attempt was made to provide correct information and labelling, however any liability for eventual errors or incompleteness is rejected! |
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Conditions of use |
junctional complex 1
(monkey) |
junctional complex 2
(monkey) |
junctional complex with
desmosomes 3 (rat) |
terminal web and inteme-
diate junction jejunum (rat) |
junctional complexes close to
an acinus in pancreas (monkey) |
junctional complex in vas-
cular endothelium (monkey) |
tions (monkey) |
interdigitations pancreas
(rat) |
junctional complex with interdi-
gitations pancreas duct (rat) |
macula + fascia
adhaerens |
fascia adhaerens | zonulae adhaerentes
+ terminal web (monkey) |
calated disk (heart, monkey) |
detail: intercalated disk
heart (monkey) |
tight-junction of
the blood
liquor barrier (rat) |
Tight junction = zonula
occludens (monkey) |
= Nexus (rat) |
gap-junction from inter-
calated disk (rat) |
(maculae adhaerentes, rat) |
hemidesmosome, basallamina
ureter (monkey) |
hemidesmosoms +inter-
mediate filaments (rat) |
hemidesmosomes +
intermediate filaments 2 |
basal lamina
in renal
filtration barrier (monkey) |
stereo image of a nexus = gap-junction
pilar cell, organ of Corti (guinea pig) |
zonula occludens
= tight-junction |
tight junction basaliar
membrane (guinea pig) |
desmosomes + attached inter-
mediate filaments skin (rat) |
junctional complex between
intercalated duct cells (rat) |
A junctional
complex or adhering junction (Terminologia
Junctio adhaesionis), which manifests
stable a connection between epithelial cells
consists of (reagrded from the lumen): a tight-junction
(Terminologia histologica: Zonula occludens)
followed in short distance by an adhesive
belt (Terminologia histologia:
adhaerens) and one or more spot desmosomes
(Terminologia histologia: Maculae adhaerentes).
All substances that want to pass from the lumen above the epithelium
to the connective tissue and its vessels
below either have to be transported through the cell or much easier
have to bypass them using the very small pores between the
protein-protein connections of the tight-junctions.
Besides the structures of the junctional complex
there are further cell-to-cell contacts. Information about them can be
retrieved from the pages inked to their names: gap-junction
= nexus; fascia adhaerens, interdigitations,
(anchor to underlaying basement membrane
and connective tissue) and cell contacts that
serve for chemical signal transduction, i.e. synapses
as well as neuromuscular junctions.
There are simple
intercellular junctions (Terminologia histologica:
intercellulares simplices) where cells just lie side by side and denticulate
intercellular junctions (Terminologia histologica:
intercellulares denticulatae) further those with deeper invaginations i.e.,
digitiform intercellular junctions also called interdigitations(Terminologia
Junctiones intercellulares digitiformes). The complex
intercellular junctions (Terminologia histologica:
intercellulares speciales) are even more complicated and present in the
disks connecting heart muscle cells. They
consist of interdigitations plus adhesive
strips (Fasciae adhaerentes),
spot desmosomes (Terminologia
histologica: Maculae adhaerentes) and gap-junctions
(Terminologia histologica: Maculae communicantes,
--> interdigitations, gap
junctions, belt desmosome,
junctions, spot desmosomes, fascia
adhaerens, epithelium
--> Electron microscopic atlas Overview
--> Homepage of the workshop
Some images were kindly provided by Prof. H. Wartenberg;
other images, page & copyright H. Jastrow.