List of abbreviations
of micros-
specialist terms
explained in
English +

Every attempt was made to provide correct information and labelling, however any liability for eventual errors or incompleteness is rejected!

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Dr. med.
H. Jastrow

of use
Overview gall ducts (Ducti biliferi) and gall bladder (Vesica fellea):
Pages with explanations are linked to the text below the images if available! (Labelling is in German)
epithelial cells of the
gall bladder (monkey)
detail: apical cytoplasm
bile duct, liver
small bile duct in
liver (rat)*
detail thereof
liver, larger bile duct (rat) cells close to bile
duct, liver (rat)
Herring canal, endo-
thelial cells (rat)*
Glisson trias: arteriole
+ bile duct (rat)*
detail of bile duct
liver (rat)
* modified contrast applied here to stain glycogen less intense

--> bile canaliculi, liver
--> Electron microscopic atlas Overview
--> Homepage of the workshop

Three images were kindly provided by Prof. H. Wartenberg; other images, page & copyright H. Jastrow.